Uploads are being accepted. YouTube is limiting upload processing. Your video may take up to 7 days to be published.
Most sections are required. Your video will be published on YouTube, along with the name of the performer, the location and the description you fill out below.
We do not edit any of this information, so make sure it says exactly what you want displayed with your video.
You can view your video on YouTube at this link.
Upload speed and publication on YouTube depends on many factors, including your service provider’s upload speed, your internet connection type (WiFi, Cellular, etc.) and the YouTube processing time. Please allow for up to a SEVEN DAY DELAY when waiting for your video to upload and display at YouTube.
The maximum file size accepted is 248MB.
Accepted file types are: MP4, MPEG4, MOV, WMV, AVI, FLV, 3GPP
If you have uploaded a video and it is not displayed on YouTube – DO NOT UPLOAD ANOTHER VIDEO.
Please DO NOT contact Taps Across America asking when your video will be displayed, or if you should upload it again.
Video Submissions are provided as a courtesy to participants. Taps Across America reserves the right to delete any submission at any time for any reason.
IMPORTANT: We only accept submissions from contributors over the age of 18.
By submitting your video to YouTube, you acknowledge that you agree to and you certify that the content you are uploading complies with YouTube’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
You acknowledge that you agree to TapsAcrossAmerica.org’s Privacy policy and Terms of Use.
Please be sure not to violate others’ copyright or privacy rights. Learn more