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Watch Past Performances from 2020

Performance by Melvin Sinclair. Played at Greenville, SC, County Square, Veterans Memorial. Echo Taps-Mike Borovicka (left) and Melvin Sinclair (right)
Performance by Michael Balonek. Played at Varanasi, India. In honor of USA’s Memorial Day 2020, Taps was played at 3:01 pm after a minute of silence, in Varanasi, India
Performance by John Rosenberg. Played at West Chester, PA. 12 yo, Boy Scout Troop 222, Troop Bugler.
Performance by Jim Steele. Played at JNC Section 7, Jacksonville, FL. Memorial Day 2020 Taps while social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sounding in Section 7 of Jacksonville National Cemetery in honor of my father in Site 622. Playing my Kanstul 100 Nights of Gettysburg commemorative 70B Bb Regulation Bugle. Honor, Reflect, and Remember.

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